Species check
list Hybrid
check list
This genus is one of the easiest of orchid plants to grow.
The basic requirement is a good rich soil mix, with leafmould
and some coarse gravel to provide good drainage. In the Nursery, recycled
crushed treefern is added to this mix, creating a somewhat fibrous
are very tolerant of differing potting medias.
Because of the often large wide plicate leaves, a wider shallower
container may assist
watering and fertilising. They are robust growers and quickly fill a container
with roots.
Spath bulbosa "magenta" is
grown in Nth Qld as S. bulbosa, this form has no teeth at base of midlobe, see Schlecter "Orchidacea of German New
Guinea".Variable morphology in different populations Spath plicata "Pink"
is locally called Spath Vieillardii but is barely distinguishable
from Spath plicata but does have the slight kink in the labellum
midlobe. See Photos
Spathoglottis bulbosa "magenta"
Spathoglottis Kimballiana
Spathoglottis vieillardii
Spathoglottis pubescens
Spath plicata "bicolor" Burleigh Park
Plants kept in a smaller pot with 2 or 3 leads may flower
better than huge leafy plants in big pots.
Frequent application of blood and bone
as a fertiliser will result in large robust bulbs and growth, they are
heavy feeders.
Sunlight is essential, short of leaf burn. Plants should be grown
on the bench with Dendrobiums and Cattleyas, or even out in the garden,
never under the bench. There are basically two groups within
the genus, one with evergreen foliage, the other, usually much smaller,
being deciduous.
Evergreens include Spathoglottis plicata
and all its forms, the New Guinea species and Spathoglottis aurea, Spathoglottis
kimballiana and species with large wide plicate leaves. The deciduous species include the smaller
Spathoglottis affinis, Spathoglottis pubescens, Spathoglottis vanoverburghii,
all of which tend to loose the old growth bulb and consist of a new seasonal,
somewhat flat, round to angular tuber.
Species and primary hybrids within the Spath affinis group, are
deciduous during the cooler months, and can be removed from the orchid
house and water withheld, with only an occasional watering, so as
not to dry out too hard. The evergreen species and hybrids
should also be treated to a dormant/rest period, with plants kept just
damp and not wet during winter. The requirement for a rest for all Spathoglottis
makes them easily grown in cooler climate. During winter, ignore them..
Spathoglottis Java Beauty |
Spath Sunshine x (Kimballiana xbicolor) |
Seletar Park X Kimballiana |
Spathoglottis Freckle Face
"Burleigh Park" |
Spath Harlequin x Kimballiana |
Spath Valerie Southwood |
Notes To Hybrids:
We believe the Spathoglottis Kimballiana var angustifolia
and var antiquense (the Philippino forms) used in our hybrids
are natural tetraploids due to the very heavy texture of the flower
segments, a feature also found in its primary hybrids. The Philippine forms differ from the Borneo form in flowers not
flushed purple on reverse. Many of the primary hybrids appear to be sterile
pod parents and thus possibly triploides. Spathoglottis
plicata "bicolor" parent plant (photo above)
imported from Jacinta Tecson Urban, Philippines, about 1980 as Spath x
Parsonsii. Perhaps a natural cross plicata x Kimballiana ? Photo from different source See
photo wild plant Mindanao Spathoglottis Java Beauty. Grown in the Townsville
region for 60 years as Java Hybrid or Java Beauty. Name not registered
as parentage unknown, but possibly it is Spathoglottis Rhodomelon? (
Spathoglottis Primrose x plicata see Holttum Flora of Malaya.)
Top Seed
of SPECIES orchids.
Email to ianbpon(at)
(Please substitute @ for (at) to avoid Spam) .for the
latest list of seed available in packets enough to prepare 3 to 4 flasks.
Many genera, with more added as harvested. All seed dated at collection,
airmail post world wide and there is no restriction on orchid seed.
Top Check
list of species.
Spathoglottis affinis yellow, 2.5cm
flowers SE Asia red stripes on lateral sepals
flat/domed rounded bulb, deciduous.Lax inflorescence
Spathoglottis affinis 4N synonyms
lobbii yellow 3 cm flowers SE Asia red
stripes on lateral sepals flat/domed rounded bulb, deciduous.Larger
overall,spikes more erect. Tetraploid
Spathoglottis albida White flushed pink 2 cm
flowers New Guinea Round almost buried bulbs, leave narrow 2cm wide, erect to 90 cm high, evergreen. Midlobe and claw short. Evergreen
Spathoglottis aurea yellow 7 cm
flowers Borneo Malaya midlobe barely apically
expanded evergreen
Spathoglottis bulbosa purple to pink flowers
New Guinea (no teeth at base
of midlobe Schlecter) very large grower. Variable in colour.
Sepik plains.
Spathoglottis chrysantha yellow
5 cm flowers Philippines evergreen
Spathoglottis confusa yellow 7cm
flowers Borneo evergreen Very rare
Spathoglottis eburneum synonyms
var of pubescens? white 2.5cm flowers SE Asia finely
pubescent flower spike flat rounded bulb deciduous
Spathoglottis Elmeri yellow 5cm
flowers Philippines Lip midlobe tip kidney shaped
Spathoglottis gracilis yellow 6cm
flowers Borneo Lip midlobe tip kidney shaped
Spathoglottis grandiflora purple
4cm flowers New Guinea much larger plant evergreen
Spathoglottis Hardingiana purple
2.5cm flowers Malaya minature, odd panicle drooping
ss & ps evergreen?
Spathoglottis ixioides yellow 4cm
flowers India very narrow leaf tiny bulbs
high elevation evergreen?
Spathoglottis Kimballiana yellow
7.5cm flowers Borneo Philippines. large labellum
lobes small bulb evergreen. Borneo form flowers flushed purple on reverse,
Philippine forms not flushed. Philippine forms tetraploid?
Spathoglottis lilacina synonyms
plicata pale lilac/pink flowers
Spathoglottis microchilina yellow
5.5cm flowers Malaya Sumatra Sabah lip midlobe not expanded.
self pollinating evergreen
Spathoglottis pacifica pink flowers
Fiji Lip midlobe yellow large evergreen
Spathoglottis palawanense yellow
flowers Philippines dwarf evergreen wide midlobe
trilobed,with 2 notches Lateral lobes finely spotted red.
Spathoglottis X Parsonsii salmon/pink
3cm flowers Philippines plicata x vanoverburghii deciduous,
large leaves and bulbs
Spathoglottis Paulineae purple
2.5cm flowers Australia often self pollinating
Spathoglottis Petrei purple 4cm flowers
New Guinea evergreen
Spathoglottis philippinense yellow
flowers Philippines dwarf evergreen wide midlobe
trilobed with 2 notches lateral lobes
nearly all
Spathoglottis plicata synonyms
duran, lilacina, spicata. white to magenta, red magenta 2.5-4cm flowers. lip
long narrow claw with teeth at base, midlobe widely expanded at apex,
evergreen.Extremely variable
Spathoglottis portus finchii purple
flowers New Guinea .Deciduous, flowers from leafless bulbs. Bulbs grow below surface.
Spathoglottis pubescens synonyms
fortunii Bensonii eburnea(white). yellow 2.5cm flowers India to
China finely pubescent flower spike deciduous
flat rounded bulb like affinis.
Spathoglottis pulchra purple flowers
New Guinea Lip midlobe barely apically expanded
Spathoglottis sulawesiense white
3cm flowers Sulawesi lip side lobes pink/purple. True
white. Large robust evergreen
Spathoglottis tomentosa pink 4cm
flowers Philippines spike finely tomentos
Spathoglottis unguiculata magenta/pink
flowers New Caledonia lip midlobe short and wide (10mmL with stalk 2mmW,
tip 8mmW); tip edge smooth; lip basal lump 2-lobed,
shaggy-haired. Fragrant "grapelle"
Spathoglottis Vanoverburghii yellow
4cm flowers Philippines large bulb deciduous
Spathoglottis Vieillardii synonym
plicata? pink 4/5cm flowers Pacific Islands slight
bend in claw evergreen
Not all species listed. References Holttum "Flora of Malaya". Schlecter
"Orchidaeae of German New Guinea' A.D.Hawkes "Encyclopedia of Cultivated
Orchids". "plus Ted Green's ramblings."
Top Hybrid
checklist Nursery.
Aureovieillardii ......... aurea x Vieillardii (plant registered more
likely Kimballiana x Vieillardii.Holttum Flora of Malaya)
Burleigh Gold ........... affinis x Kimballiana
Dorothy Green ......... sulawesiense x Kimballiana
Freckle Face ............ Kimballiana x plicata
Gold Tower ............. Lobbii x Kimballiana angustifolia
Golden Gift .............. freckle face x Kimballiana
Harlequin ................. Java Beauty x Kimballiana angustifolia
Ingham Red................Sunshine x plicata
Little Charmer .. ........Seletar Park x Vanoverburghii
Memoria Eileen Stokes........ Kimballiana x Seletar Park
Menehune ............ ... plicata x unguiculata
Nuuanau Gold ......... tomentosa x Vanoverberghii
Parsonsii .............. .. Vanoverburghii x plicata
Parsons Junior..........Parsonsii x plicata
Primrose ............. ... aurea x plicata
Rhodomelon ............ primrose x plicata
Seletar Park ... ... .. Menehune x plicata
Sila Khadaroo........ Kimballiana x bicolor
Sunshine .............. .. affinis x plicata
Ted Green................Kimballiana x tomentosa
Starburst...... ......Seletar Park x freckle face
Terracotta ............. Lobbii x plicata
Twincolor ............... aureovieillardii x Parsonsii
Valerie Yamada Southwood ....... eburneum x plicata
Top Photos.
Due to digital camera capabilities, colours in the magenta
and red magenta range, will not be fully correct.
More Spathoglottis photos.
For Plants click here Ian and Pat Walters, Burleigh Park Orchid Nursery
54 Hammond Way, Townsville,
Australia 4815
Email us at ianbpon(at)
(Please substitute @ for (at) to avoid Spam)
Phone 0747 740 008
International 61 747 740 008